God has uniquely created each person. He meets us holistically because every aspect of our being is precious to Him. People are complex and uniquely wired. Your mind is a special commodity that is constantly being attacked by the world. Your mind requires to be challenged and disciplined. The more we learn about our minds, the easier it becomes to allow God to meet us in this space.


Visit this growing list of tools to encourage your exploration soul care for our minds.

CIFT Counseling

Counseling is a necessary tool that every person should utilize.

Enneagram Test

The enneagram is a helpful tool to understand how your mind works. By learning more about our selves and we can allow God to meet us where we are.


Through med­i­ta­tion we are grow­ing into what Thomas à Kem­p­is called ​“a famil­iar friend­ship with Jesus.”


Journaling is a simple practice that guides us in reflection of our lives. We are changing and being changed. This discipline roots us in our growth.

Lectio Divina

The spiritual reading of Lectio Divina is an ancient discipline that opens our hearts to God’s voice through the Scriptures.


Study is the process where­by our minds take on an order con­form­ing to the order of what­ev­er we con­cen­trate upon.

Recommended Reading

Books are another great resource that you can use to grow in your walk with God. We have provided a list of books that have formed us as a church and we hope they do the same for you.