Faith, Sexuality, & Gender

What is this page for?

The theological conversation around faith, sexuality, and gender is a complex one that the church has not done a great job of engaging. All theology doesn't just exist in a vacuum, but it impacts the lives of all followers of Jesus. This topic carries that weightiness even more so.

This page is the result of careful study, prayer, and research. Use this page as a resource to begin, continue, and deepen your conversation with faith, sexuality, and gender. Ultimately, may it help you learn how to love, care, and walk with those who are LGBTQ+/SSA at Garden Church and beyond.

Garden Beliefs

  • Sexuality

    We believe that we all were sexual before we were sinful. In addition, we acknowledge that all of our sexualities and desires have been distorted by sin. As temples for the Holy Spirit, we acknowledge that what we do with our bodies matters to God and we are called to live in holy action. At Garden Church, we believe that LGBTQ+ individuals are created in the image of God, loved radically by God, with inherent dignity, value, and worth, with great gifts to bring to God’s world and to the body of Christ, and that Jesus calls all who follow him to honor and treat them as such. Garden Church holds to the traditional sexual ethic - that any sexual activity outside of marriage (between one man and one woman) is sin, and calls both straight and LGBTQ+ followers of Jesus to commit their bodies and hearts to Jesus. (Gen. 1:31, Rom. 1:21-25, Isa. 53, 1 Cor. 6:19, 1 Cor. 9:26-27, 1 Cor. 6:13)

  • Gender

    We believe that from the beginning God created two separate and distinct biological sexes: male and female. Moreover, we believe that Scripture does not permit any difference between biological sex and gender identity or expression. Humankind has been created by God and any attempt to misconstrue the difference between male/female and/or biological sex/gender identity is an attempt to self-create and is a result of sin and the fall. (Gen. 1:26-27, Matt. 19:4, Mark 10:6-7, Psalm 139:14).

  • Marriage

    We believe God has ordained marriage as a covenant relationship between one biological man, one biological woman, and Himself. God’s purpose in this is that marriage be a symbol of two different things coming together to reflect something new. Fundamental to marriage, is God’s design for how both men and women reflect God’s image into the world, together. Human marriage, defined by Jesus as the lifelong covenantal union of two sexually-different-yet-equal persons, is a temporary signpost pointing to far a greater cosmic reality—the ultimate union of heaven and earth. (Gen. 2:24, Matt. 19:4, Eph. 5:25, 1 Pet. 3:7).


When talking about LGBTQ+ issues and the church, we often hear about different “sides” of the conversation. Side A, Side B, Side Y, and Side X. To understand the nuance and complexities of each side, please visit the PDF below.

We do our best to welcome everyone at Garden Church, and point them to Jesus. We try not to pick “sides” in most issues thinking we have it all figured out. Nor do we expect God to be on our “side.” However, we have done our best to be on God’s side in all issues, and humbly pursue that. As a church community, we would be most closely aligned with Side B.

Why this matters.

God intends for sex to be reserved for the lifelong covenant of marriage between one man and one woman. Christians who are sexually attracted to others of the same sex should resist same-sex sexual activity. Queer identity is a healthy way of communicating one's experience and desires. Sexual orientation typically does not change.

Garden Church will be a space where everyone is welcome and invited to participate. Those who disagree with us are still welcome to the table. We are committed to creating an environment where we are family, and we share communion with those who we can’t see eye to eye on.

As leaders, you partner with us in creating that environment. Where those who are LGBTQ+ can wrestle and process their sexuality and theology honestly. Ultimately, we point every person to Jesus and allow God to shape and work on every person’s heart. We are simply the pathway for that.


For further resources, visit these non-profits who are helping churches engage in the LGBTQ+ conversation intentionally and pastorally.


Utilize these resources for your own growth and understanding.

Best Practices

Here are best practices in how to lead those in your House Church around conversations regarding faith, sexuality, and gender.

Revoice Cohort

As a partner with Revoice, our staff have been invited to participate in a year-long cohort talking about LGBTQ+ issues. Those recordings are available for everyone in our church.


Here are some books and papers to learn more about different perspectives and conversations regarding the three topics of marriage, gender, & sexuality.


Here are some podcasts to listen more about different perspectives and conversations regarding the three topics of marriage, gender, & sexuality.

FOR LGBTQ+/SSA Followers of Jesus

Here are free resources that Revoice offers for those in your House Churches who are LGBTQ+/SSA.

Online Affinity Groups

These online groups connect folks within the Revoice community who share even more of current life experiences.

Renew: LGBTQ+ Ministry Leaders
Harbor: 18-25 year olds
Sacred Space: Mixed Orientation Marraiges

Local Chapters

Chapters are local once-a-month gatherings that foster connection, provide safety, and emphasize dignity for sexual minorities who follow Jesus. Currently, there are chapters in Los Angeles & Orange County.


Covering a variety of topics regarding the LGBTQ+ experience, Revoice offers webinars throughout the year.

Revoice Conference

Join Revoice either in-person or virtually for their annual conference designed to equip sexual minorities to pursue Jesus.


The conversation around the LGBTQ+ community can be complex and confusing. Here are some simple places to begin exploring this topic.


Greg Johnson walks us through the painful history between the church and the LGBTQ+ community. Yet it is still not to late for us repair that pain.


Pastor & scholar, David Bennett introduces the necessity of caring for LGBTQ+ individuals from a pastoral perspective.


Our friends, Park Hill, introduced their community to the LGBTQ+ discourse through a pastoral training. Listen here.