August 2023: A Hidden Life
..for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs.
George Eliot, Middlemarch
You may be familiar with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian and author who stood up to the oppressive Nazi regime. While having the choice of escaping to America, Bonhoeffer felt convicted to come back to Germany to boldly and defiantly stand up to Hitler. A complicated and courageous man who was committed to the non-violence of Jesus and yet was involved in an assassination attempt of Hitler and ended up being executed right before the end of World War 2.
At the same time, there was an Austrian peasant farmer, Franz Jägerstätter who similarly chose to listen to the conviction that God put on His heart, and similarly to Bonhoeffer, chose to resist the Nazi regime by refusing to participate in the army. You can learn about his life in the Terrence Malick film titled A Hidden Life. It is truly an inspiring and beautiful film highlighting this almost-unknown figure in history. To be honest, without the film, I doubt I would have ever heard of Jägerstätter.
While I find both of these men inspiring, personally I am more challenged by the life of Franz. In a retrospective viewing, this is a man who chose the bold path of faithfulness to Jesus that ostracized him from his peers. He was not looked as a hero in his farming village, but rather as a traitor. There was no glory in his obedience, and even almost a century later his rebellion is mostly hidden in history.
In our culture, there is a draw to be significant. To do things that everyone can see. And even when we choose to do the hard things of obedience to Jesus, there is this nefarious part of us that may want to monetize our obedience for social currency. Maybe I am speaking for my own struggles with the hidden life. Even in writing this blog, I have to do my best to keep from profaning the hidden battles that God has invited me into by taking the invisible choices and journeys I have walked with God and transforming them into words. Yet I know it is in the quiet place with God where the purity of discipleship is refined.
Since I have encountered this story, I ask myself often. Will I be obedient even when no one is looking? Will I choose to honor God when no one is watching? Am I a man of character that will stand up to evil both publically and more importantly privately? Is the hidden place with God worth more than the affirmations of the crowd? And out of honesty, I still don’t know how to answer those questions. I pray that when I am standing in front of God in the New Heavens that He says “well done.”
As House Church Leaders, I know this is often a thankless job. We are the first ones to be contacted in emergencies and can be the last ones to be invited to the movie night. We will be the one accused of perpetuating church hurt, and have no place to talk about how those of the church have hurt you. Our hearts are to build a thriving community and sometimes are left desiring community for ourselves. You have said “yes,” to a job that requires intentional “no’s” and those quiet decisions may not ever be appreciated.
When talking about giving, Jesus makes it clear that we shouldn’t be boastful about our generosity. There are those who will do good so that everyone will see, but we must not follow in that pattern. Jesus promises that “your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” (Matthew 6:4). I believe that this is the truth with the entirety of the Christian experience. Everything that you experience in secret, God sees it and rejoices. You may not be rewarded in this life, but there it is in the hidden places where God meets with us to carry out His plans to change the world.
Do not get discouraged brothers and sisters when you are overlooked, forgotten, or that your life is unremarkable. Praise God that He is remarkable, and has invited you to join Him as a co-heir in His kingdom.
it is in the hidden places where God meets with us to carry out His plans to change the world
This month, may we continue to pursue faithfulness to Jesus in the hidden places.
Community Prayer Partners
Have everyone in your House Church choose the name of someone they will commit to praying over the course of the next month. Encourage them to write “words” down that come to mind as they pray for their prayer partners. Touch base in a month, and see how this practice impacts your group. If it is received well, do this again the following month with new prayer partners.
Formation Silence & Solitude
In our busy world, there is no spiritual practice that helps slow us down more than silence & solitude. Take time this month as a leader to engage with silence & solitude, and then invite your House Church to consider incorporating this into their regular time with Jesus. Read this article from Ruth Hailey Barton on 8 steps to meet God in silence and solitude. Additionally, she has written a book on this discipline as well.
Presence Intercession Prayer
There is always something to pray for, yet how often do we pause and contend for things beyond our control? In your House Churches, take some intentional time to pray for intercession regarding the things that may be weighing heavy on the hearts of your group.
If there isn’t enough time during your family gatherings, set aside time purposefully for intercession. Invite your House Church over for an hour of prayer and worship. Use this time to contend. It is not about building community but rather seeking God in the midst of our trials.
Mission Prayer Walks
Take time in your own schedule to walk around your neighborhood to pray with God. Ask Him what He envisions for your city, neighborhood, or neighbors. Contend for God’s kingdom to break out in your midst! Prayer is the tilling of the soil for the seeds of renewal to be made known.