Summary of Volume 6

In the throneroom of Revelation, we find that all of heaven and earth is worshipping God. Every creed, tribe, and tongue will confess the praise of God forever and ever. Worship to God includes singing, but it is also so much more. Worship is giving God the praise He is due because He deserves it. This includes our songs, our resources, our attention, and our devotion.


  • We will talk about what true worship is and how we get to participate.

  • The church is meant to live generously as a way to worship God.

  • We will spend this week learning that where our attention goes matters to God and often reveals the object of our worship.

  • We worship God because He is worthy! Through our songs, generosity, and attention we worship Him. Throughout our sessions we have mentioned that worship is wholistic. In this chapter, we will talk about how our whole lives become worship to God, because He is worthy of devotion.


Volume 5: Prayer


Volume 7: Living the Way of Jesus