Summary of Volume 1

We live in a culture that is constantly pulling each of us into multiple directions. Yet, most expect that adding discipleship to Jesus and House Church to their schedule is enough to fight against the deformation machine of the World. If we leave our assumptions unchecked, we will find our discipleship and our House Church taken from under us. That is why we believe that christlikeness doesn’t happen by accident. It requires patience, sacrifice, and intentionality. How do we actually do this?

It will only happen by setting up a clear understanding of what is House Church, discipleship, and the Garden Life. Once we have a clear understanding of that, we can invite our House Church to commit to pursue a shared vision of on Earth as it is in Heaven.


  • Before we talk about House Church, the way of living out God’s vision for the world together, we must all understand what is the heart of God’s vision for the world.

  • You will answer the questions that most people have when they are in a House Church.

    Why House Churches

    What do they look like?

    How are they supposed to be lived out?

    What am I committed to doing?

    Where is this heading?

  • Discipleship is a term people have certain baggage and expectations regarding. In this time together we will set a clear understanding of what we see discipleship as at the Garden.

  • Garden Church is not an Christian organization. We are a community. We are a family. A sum made up of many. Like the Church as a whole is Christ’s body, we all are in charge of carrying out his will. What is God’s will? It is for Heaven to come to Earth. It is the Garden’s mission’s to see this vision come true. Our mission is: we are one family, practicing the way of Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit, bringing life wherever we go.


House Church Handbook: Instructions


Volume 2: Love God