Financial Support

General Fund

In light of the current pandemic and resulting economic crisis, we have cut back our General Budget to cover only essential operating expenses. Our staff team will continue to be flexible and intentional in the ways we serve our church community, our neighbors, our global missionaries and our city. Please continue to give your tithes and offerings generously as we navigate these times. Thank you for partnering with us!

Crisis Care Fund

Garden Church's Crisis Care Fund supports people or organizations in our community, city, nation and worldwide who are facing a crisis or emergency situations and are in need of basic necessities, resources, care, and support.

 Donate Items or Time to Local Shelters

Garden Church has partnered with the City of Long Beach and 2 local homeless shelters to make sure the most vulnerable among us are safe for and cared for. For more ways to give much needed items or to volunteer click below.


Support your House Church and Digital Community

The people of God exist to show the world what He is like and to bring the kingdom here and now. Act 4 shows us that there were no needs among the people of God. One way to make this a reality is to make sure the needs of your close community are met. Be intentional about asking hard questions, be vulnerable with your needs and show up for each other!

 Support Local Businesses

We have been working to compile a list of local and small businesses in our church community that you can support through shopping local.