One of the defining characteristics of God is His abundant generosity. A consistent theme throughout the Scriptures is that His people are called to reflect God’s generosity into the world by being a generous people. We do this beyond being generous financially, this includes sharing our time, our resources, our selves with one another. As followers of Jesus, when we are apart of a local body, Jesus helps take our natural individualistic nature and shifts it to look out for one another. The early church was known for meeting each other's needs by being generous. May we follow in their footsteps to produce a community where there are no needs go unmet.


Visit this growing list of tools to encourage your exploration of the spiritual discipline of generosity.


Giving to our community financially is a simple step to allow God to shape our hearts towards generosity.


Be generous with your time! Help your church community by serving in different ministries.
Current Needs: Youth & Alpha

COVID-19 Care

We have a growing team of individuals who are coming together to help and support our community during this pandemic.

Recommended Reading

Books are another great resource that you can use to grow in your walk with God. We have provided a list of books that have formed us as a church and we hope they do the same for you.