
We seek the tangible presence and undeniable power of the Holy Spirit.

“When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning. - John 15: 26-27

Jesus modeled what it means to be fully rooted in the power and presence of God. Holy Spirit fueled everything he did to be obedient to the Father to see the Kingdom come on as it is in Heaven. Our priority then is to stand in the presence of the Trinity as reconcilers to our neighbors.

At Garden Church, we regularly make space to hear from God on behalf of each other and our city.


Prayer Training

We believe that EVERYONE is able to pray and hear from God on behalf of others. To be a disciple is to do what Jesus did. Join us for one of our prayer trainings.

Next Prayer Training: TBA

Prayer Course

Prayer is simply talking to God. It is a significant part of our discipleship, yet it can easily be overlooked.

Sign up for an eight-week journey that will help you grow and deepen your prayer life.

House Church

To live out a fully empowered life, join or lead a House church. They are the primary environment for experiencing this life in the Kingdom and discipleship.


Recommended Reading